Work Order

I’m trying something different. Comics do have the days they’re SUPPOSED to update, but the order that I do them in is usually not the day before they’re done. I use the weekends to color. So I’ve decided to start doing the comics depending on any donations toward them. Comics which get a donation are moved to the front of my work queue and put in order by how much total they’ve received during the week. The week starts on Monday when I’m hopefully done coloring. 😀 If I’m not done by Monday, it won’t update. The order in which I work on can be changed at any time, even while I’m coloring. I will switch to working on a different comic if I get a donation for another one that pushes the tally higher than the one that I am working on.

I will keep the most current tally on the hub site for ease in updating and probably put a little note up on the side bar sometime this weekend concerning the rankings. My goal IS to have all comics done and I can do it. I’ve done it before. But sometimes illness from someone in the family or other family events take precedence over getting work done.

– Tiff

Shivae! has already benefitted from this last week AND this week. 😀